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If you are seeking help or need more information about a previously submitted request:

  • Visit our Local Assistance and Services page to find the St. Vincent de Paul location nearest you.
  • Contact your community Catholic church and ask if they have a Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
  • Search the internet for “Society of St. Vincent de Paul” and the name of your city/town.

The National Council of the U.S., Society of St. Vincent de Paul does not provide direct assistance to neighbors in need. Rather, we provide leadership, technical assistance, management training, and resource development for the growth and health of the Society’s Councils, Conferences, and Special Works. With assistance from the National Council, local Councils and Conferences can better devote their own resources to serving their communities while developing and promoting innovative strategies that address social justice and assist neighbors in need.

The National Conference of the United States, Society of St. Vincent de Paul
66 Progress Parkway
Maryland Heights, MO 63043-3706
(314) 576-3993

Sign up for mobile communications by texting JOIN to (844) 464-2992. You can stay in touch with the Vincentian mission of service to the poor through weekly devotions, monthly giving opportunities, and periodic news updates.

International Council General
6, rue de Londres
75009 Paris, France

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